Program Details

Customer Economics Forum

A deep dive into the real costs and returns associated with acquiring, nurturing, converting, closing, handling, retaining, recovering, up-selling and mobilizing critical customer constituencies and loyal advocates.

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With tighter, more frugal times, Customer Economics has become the new mantra of savvy marketers. This means taking a deep dive into the real costs and returns associated with acquiring, nurturing, converting, closing, handling, retaining, recovering, up-selling and mobilizing critical customer constituencies and loyal advocates. For example, some marketers have found that the largest and most loyal customers are not necessarily the most profitable. But much of the Customer Economics discussion boils down to how well customer data is sourced, cleansed, integrated and mined for intelligence, predictive analytics and customer lifetime value building. Join the conversation at the CMO Council's new Customer Economics Forum, where you can download thought leadership content from CRM subject matter experts and interact and engage with peers through our Coalition to Leverage and Optimize Sales Effectiveness ( and other community gathering points.

