Program Details

Customer Experience Board

Addressing the critical need for communications service providers to optimize customer experience and heighten retention in a highly convergent, competitive, and demanding customer market.

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The Customer Experience Board is addressing the critical need for communications service providers to optimize customer experience and heighten retention in a highly convergent, competitive, and demanding customer market.

The Customer Experience Board (CEB) brings together concerned marketers from leading service provider organizations and their partners worldwide to interact and engage, as well as promote best practice adoption, in this critical area of business performance. The CEB is a dedicated knowledge center and think tank focused on benchmark studies, audits and competency assessments, content aggregation, report publication and syndication, peer-to-peer interactions, best practice development, vertical industry analytics, and global models and frameworks for integrated customer experience management.

Programs featured include: 

  • Bringing Dexterity to Subscriber Complexity - Explores the growing imperative to more effectively manage the challenge of change and choice in today’s communications and media markets. This multi-faceted, multi-channel initiative will embrace global thought leaders and experts from some of the world’s biggest operators and service providers, industry organizations and media groups to drive global market discussions and conversations. Through a reservoir of intellectual capital, content, and survey data as well as a report derived from a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews with industry leaders, the program will offer rich industry content, executive perspectives and insights into the issues, obstacles, opportunities and best practices for maximizing subscriber relationships and value at a time of unprecedented complexity and choice... 
  • The Variance in the Social Experience - The CMO Council, in partnership with Lithium Technologies, undertook an eight-week authority leadership initiative to highlight the role social media is playing in developing, shaping and advancing today’s customer experience. As the new CtoB paradigm evolves, consumers are enjoining their own personal networks for advice, product selection, service validation and after-market assistance. Social media and trusted business networks have evolved into dynamic self-help communities, peer-to-peer referral channels, and group purchasing ecosystems that are growing economic factors and forces in the market... 
  • Variance in Customer Experience - Addresses how the level of consistency or disparity in brand-related content, claims, offers, images and messages on web sites, collaterals, ads, merchandising displays, email, statement stuffers and bills, live events, in-store exchanges and contact center interactions affects customer perception and experience. Recognizing the challenges marketers face to consistently present, optimize and track the customer experience at every touch point across all types and avenues of communication and experiential events, the CMO Council has set out to catalog those critical points of interaction when corporate content meets customer experience...

Research: Survey & Reports


Curated Facts & Stats

While 36 percent of marketers say that the market has become more cluttered and confusing over the last five years, both online and offline, 31 percent say that they are able to provide better customer experiences due to the accessibility of customer intelligence that enables them to become more relevant to customers.

Source: CMO Council