Program Overview

Digital Marketing Performance Center

Digital Marketing Performance Institute is a resource for marketers to access the latest news and research on digital marketing.

In light of the rapid growth of digital technologies and the capabilities that digital gives marketers to help them measure performance and understand their customers better than ever before, the CMO Council developed the Digital Marketing Performance Center (DMPC) as a resource for marketers to access the latest news and research on digital marketing.

With 60% of marketers’ time being devoted to digital, including increasing their digital budgets, digital marketing performance measurement and assessment of new technologies and trends in digital will be key areas of focus for marketers moving forward. And as digital and mobile adoption continue to increase and play greater roles in the consumer’s path to purchase, using these technologies to capture data about customers and analyzing that data to create better experiences will be essential components of an effective marketing strategy.

DMPC is aimed at providing the resources you need to remain current with the challenges and trends shaping the digital marketing landscape. Featuring reports, white papers, news, events, expert insights and best practices from global digital marketing leaders, DMPC provides the information you need to stay ahead of the digital curve and strategically plan for what lies ahead.

Research: Survey & Reports

