Program Details

Precision Promotion: Timely, Targeted & Trackable

Sponsors and Partners:


A milestone research initiative titled to drive the adoption and the uses of technologies, solutions and professional services that drive deeper interaction and communication with customers. Centered around Customer Revenue Optimization (CRO), this program, sponsored by InfoPrint Solutions Company, will drill into how targeted solutions like transpromo significantly impact customer acquisition, monetization and ROI while exploring new developments in database and print technologies.


Customer expectation in the digitally-driven world demands targeted, relevant meaningful engagements at every turn. As more customers consider defection from brands because the information, content, services, promotions and engagements lack relevance and resonance, marketers must look to data-driven strategies that deliver the right message to the right customer at the right time...and in the right channel. This is Precision Marketing.

The CMO Council, in partnership with InfoPrint, presents Precision Promotion, your online destination for insights, resources and thought leadership around delivering timely, targeted and relevant communications that can activate advocacy, reactivate dormant customers, and leverage loyalty to open revenue streams and opportunities.  

Program featured includes:

What's Critical in the Vertical - Addresses the top issues, challenges and strategic priorities influencing marketing decision making, areas of spend, organizational renovation, and performance measurement. The Council is keen to further explore more deeply the forces, factors, shifts and trends impacting marketers by industry, particularly as it relates to strategic marketing challenges and industry issues.

Research: Survey & Reports
